get to know
Katelyn Dekle

Educator & web designer for fun & unorthodox entrepreneurs working with clients 1:1

Nice to meet ya!

My name’s Katelyn. I went to college to focus on design and was an in-house designer in service-based businesses from 2006-2020, going full-time freelance in 2020!

Lookin’ for the personal shit? Keep reading!

Get to know me!

I’m a laid-back, laugh-happy, sarcasm-using, coffee-drinking, pet-loving, bibliophile. I love Marvel movies, reading just about anything, and you’ll definitely see my fur-babies on Instagram. Oh, and I’ve literally been designing since I found Publisher on my Dad’s computer as a kid in the 90’s, so…you’re in great hands. 😉 (Don’t worry, I’ve upgraded my software since then!)

Want to know how I went from full-time 9–5er to full-time freelancer? Let’s be friends! Pop your email address in this little form & I’ll email ya all about it!

Story time

Basically, 9-5’s never truly worked for me. I excelled where I could and made it work, but it never felt like enough.

I knew I could DO more. Be more.

But not by building someone else’s dream & doing things they way they wanted to do them. So I started freelancing, mostly for the extra cash, because we were broke as a joke and living check to check.

After a few years of trying out the professional, “corporate” vibe for myself in my freelance work, I finally realized it just wasn’t a fit. I felt like I couldn’t be that AND be myself, so it always felt like I was holding back. My audience must’ve felt it too –a lack of authenticity.

Eventually, I stumbled into a rebrand by accident and finally found my sweet spot! Now I can be 100% my nerdy, witty, dryly sarcastic but friendly & approachable self, –no apologies necessary.

Oh and sprinkle in some general cursing as needed and some occasional f-bombs because that’s real life and I’m not going to pretend it isn’t. 😆

Katelyn smiling and holding a copper Ember coffee mug in a cozy home office, a bookshelf with various items, and decorative elements. Katelyn's wearing a striped shirt and sitting at a desk, holding the mug out to the camera as if in cheers
Katelyn looking at camera with an excited expression, holding a coffee mug and sitting in front of a computer at the desk in her office

How can I help you?
I’m so glad you asked.

I want to help YOU step into your own confidence too, knowing you can truly be yourself, attract clients, and an audience that loves YOU for who you ARE. Not who you pretend to be.

I love working with other fun-loving female service-based entrepreneurs and educators to create and/or refresh your website, so that it resonates best with your dream clients, looks professional & is super easy to maintain.

Unlike many other web designers, I use my 15+ years of design experience to build a website with a strategy & purpose in mind so that it’s not just another pretty design, and teach you how to keep it updated yourself so you are EMPOWERED to control your own website as long as you want. Plus, it saves you money in the long run by not needing a web designer on staff or on retainer, year-round.

 My Biz Cred

  • 2016 – started using Squarespace for my freelance work

  • 2017 – started designing websites for friends/family

  • 2017 – started getting web design clients

  • 2018 – stopped offering print design services

  • 2015-2020 side-hustled for 5 years

    • worked at my last in-house design job for almost 9 years!

  • mid-2020went full-time in my business!

  • 2006-2011 – college; graphic design program

  • 2006 – landed an intro design job

  • 2006-2020 – in-house designer + freelance work

  • 2015 – started my ‘official’ design side-hustle

  • 2015-2020 – grabbed #allthefreebies & online business courses

  • 2020 - Present – maintain continuing ed (details here)

  • Feb. 2022 – Present - monthly call coach for Paige Brunton’s Square Secrets & Square Secrets Business students

You Might’ve Seen Me In...

Brand New Businesses

Like you, I started from the ground up. It took a long time, loads of patience, and a ton of trial/error!

I’ve been there, so I know. Custom websites can be expensive, –and if yours wasn’t, well… You definitely get what you pay for.

Frankly, though, your very first website doesn’t always need to be 100% custom. Why?

Because your business is going to evolve as it grows & scales, –and those changes are likely to make you want a total design re-do by the time you reach year 1 or 2 in your business. By that point, you’ll know more about what you need on your custom website.

So, now what?

I suggest ya start with an affordable template first. After some time running your business, you’ll know how it needs to change & that’s when you should spend your hard-earned cash on your first custom build. Plus it gives ya time to save up for such a big expense! Want a website that just looks custom? I gotchu!

Established Entrepreneurs

Calling all ladies who’ve been in business for 1-2+ years, are workin’ solo or have a very small team and work with/teach clients one-on-one!

I bet your business has changed a bit by now. Am I right?

By the time you reach this 1+ year milestone in your business, if you already have a website, it’s likely time to update or refine it to fit how your business has evolved. Nodding your head yes?

But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have the funds to add a web designer to your team for updates & design maintenance.

That’s why I love Squarespace! It makes website updates super easy & affordable for anyone, –without the on-staff designer.

I don’t have time...

That’s why you need help to get it done. As a solopreneur myself, I GET IT. I wear all the hats too! But we make time for what’s important, so how important is this for you?

Here’s the deets on me


  • Squarespace Circle Member, 2017 - Present

  • AIGA Member, 2019 - 2021

  • Designing professionally, 2006 - Present

  • Side hustle/Independent Contractor, 2015-2020

  • College graphic design program, 5 years

  • Designing websites for happy clients since 2017

  • Monthly call coach for Paige Brunton’s Square Secrets & Square Secrets Business students, Feb. 2022 – Present

  • Asana Together Member

  • Asana Ambassador

  • Rising Tide Society Member

  • Creative Lady Directory Member


  • Copywriting for Creatives (by Ashlyn Carter) affiliate & alumna

  • Design Biz Mastery (by Morgan Rapp) currently taking + affiliate

  • Square Secrets (by Paige Brunton) alumna

  • Square Secrets Business (by Paige Brunton) alumna

  • Scale with Content Strategy (by Paige Brunton) alumna

  • Business By Design (by James Wedmore) alumna

  • Booked Out Designer (by Elizabeth McCravy) affiliate & alumna

  • Standout Squarespace (by Rache, of SquareStylist) affiliate & alumna

  • Process Driven Membership (by Layla at Process Driven) affiliate & alumna

  • How to ClickUp (by Layla at Process Driven) affiliate & alumna

  • B-School (by Marie Forleo) alumna

  • see the full list!