Dealing with the “I hate marketing” excuse
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One thing I hear a lot from freelancers—and something I personally went through—is the old “I’m terrible at marketing” (or sometimes just “I HATE marketing”).
Trust me, I get it. Marketing can feel awkward at best and sleazy at worst. But I’ve been there, done that, and got the metaphorical t-shirt. So today I wanted to share my big mindset shift around this in hopes it’ll help you look at this crucial part of building your business a bit differently.
If you've ever found yourself saying something like, “I suck at marketing,” then I’m talking to you.
And no, ––marketing is not about learning Facebook ads or spamming people’s inboxes with cold emails—marketing can actually be something you enjoy (yeah—didn’t believe that either at first, but stick with me)!
Solopreneurs wear A LOT of hats…
I wear a lot of hats as the solopreneur behind Launch the Damn Thing®. I’m juggling a membership program, client work, students & customers, content creation, admin bullshit, ––and otherwise just figuring out this whole “online biz” world as an introvert!
Don’t worry if you think marketing feels like wearing heavy chainmail armor—it used to feel like that for me too. But I’ve been running my own gig for nine years with 4 of those full-time, and during that time I've picked up some tips, mostly through mistakes, trial & error, failing upward, and lots of “I seriously don’t know what I’m doing here” moments. 😂
If you’re here thinking, “I’m an introvert and showing up online makes me sweat,” TRUST—I’ve been in the same boat. Before you sink that boat in anxiety, let’s find you a method that doesn’t feel like a soul-crushing death sentence. Sound good? Let’s do it!
Marketing Misconceptions
Here’s where a lot of us get stuck. When we think about “marketing,” our mind goes straight to ads, promotions, and walking into a crowded conference filled with name tags.
Ugh, no. Am I right?
You probably imagine things like:
learning Facebook ads, Pixels, ad strategies, and SPENDING money that’s not guaranteed to get eyeballs
learning Google banners and ads ––how does all that work??
making small talk at crowded networking events where you're supposed to "hand out business cards," shake hands, introduce yourself to tons of strangers & strike up conversations that can lead to you sharing about your business/services, and smile politely when someone drones on about themselves without taking a breath… 🙄
Spamming unsuspecting people with sales emails that pitch the need for your services
If those are the kinds of things you’re imagining when you think marketing, then NO WONDER you’re already rolling your eyes, or breaking out in hives (totally didn’t mean for that to rhyme). Spoiler alert: if that doesn’t feel right for you, it doesn’t HAVE to.
Here’s a truth-bomb: your discomfort translates into a bad performance, creates inconsistencies in your marketing schedule, and repels potential clients/leads.
Simple as that.
If you're standing in a room at a conference, with slightly hunched posture, awkwardly off by yourself or just far enough outside a group to not be part of it, and hoping no one makes eye contact with you, trust me—people pick up on that vibe.
When people feel your discomfort, they’re either tuning out, or worse– literally skipping over you or missing you altogether. 😬
Here’s a truth-bomb: your discomfort translates into a bad performance, creates inconsistencies in your marketing schedule, and repels potential clients/leads.
Simple as that.
If you're standing in a room at a conference, with slightly hunched posture, awkwardly off by yourself or just far enough outside a group to not be part of it, and hoping no one makes eye contact with you, trust me—people pick up on that vibe.
When people feel your discomfort, they’re either tuning out, or worse– literally skipping over you or missing you altogether. 😬
Finding a Marketing Method That Feels Do-able
If showing up on Facebook because you don’t know what to post, …if you’d rather get shot in the foot than get on video for YouTube, TikTok, or Reels, …or if going to events makes you feel like you’re living your worst life, ––just don’t do it!
Pick another option!
The essential takeaway here is this: you need to find a method that feels good for YOU, because when you feel at ease and comfortable with what you’re doing, your confidence shines & oozes into everything you do. That’s how you attract people into your world.
Now, I know you’re probably thinking, "But what is MY magical method, Katelyn?!?"
Great question. And while I can't pinpoint that for you individually, my friend Paige Brunton has a fabulous little quiz to help with that! Check it out at (and no, I’m not getting paid for this shoutout, she’s just really good at this stuff & I don’t have a quiz of my own). 😂
My Magical Marketing Mindset Shift
(Whew! Look at all that accidental alliteration. 😂)
If you “hate” or feel uncomfortable with marketing so you avoid it like the plague, it’s probably because you think it’s something it isn’t. It’s not just pushing sales down people's throats, like a car salesman that’ll try to sell you anything, even if it sucks or you don’t actually want it.
That's where most freelancers (like old-me) get stuck. It felt beyond weird trying to say, “Hey, I do graphic design. Wanna hire me? Here's my card. Thaaanks, bye!” The whole thing felt extremely out of my box, awkward, and ridiculous.
My lightbulb moment came when I realized marketing isn’t about selling; it’s about helping!
Let’s break that down a bit.
When you believe that what you do (graphic design, coaching, mowing someone's lawn—whatever) genuinely HELPS people, then sharing what you do & telling people you do it (ie: marketing) becomes about serving, not selling. Why? Because when you do this in integrity, you’re offering value. You’re transforming something they’re struggling with, into something they actually want fixed—making their lives better in the process.
When I realized that pushing my graphic design services wasn’t pushy as long as I knew I was confident in my work & its value, AND it genuinely helped people. When I reframed the whole “I’m selling my services” thing into “I’m helping you solve X problem,” everything shifted.
So, you’re not out here peddling something sleazy. You’re not a snake oil salesman. —You’re offering VALUE because you’re trying to help solve a problem!
Now let’s keep rolling with that in mind.
The Long-Term Marketing Strategy That Actually Worked For Me
Now, I don’t expect you to jump up tomorrow and just start crushing your marketing strategies & efforts immediately. Unfortunately, that’s not likely to happen without work or a smidge of patience, especially if you’re an introvert like me.
So how do you get started & take the first step?
For me, it started with blogging. Yep. Just writing articles that helped people.
Years ago, sitting behind a screen and putting my thoughts into long-form written content felt safe and relatively easy. I loved it because eventually I learned through practice that I could just be myself, in my own words (and edit the hell out of it before posting). I made blogging part of my routine and put my heart into crafting each post.
Years later, I threw YouTube into the mix once blogging felt comfortable & I could do post on a consistent schedule without much effort (which took a lot of practice and over 100 posts, for me!)
Initially, video wasn’t my thing but I stuck with it until SLOWLY it started to feel... okay? 😆Eventually, with practice, I stopped overthinking it, relaxed a little, developed some helpful habits, and here we are. Get my top 3 tips for getting comfortable on camera in this post, next!
You’ll probably start by sitting down to record each video feeling like, “OMG, this is terrifying” (like I did), but after some repetition & practice, the little red “record” button starts to feel like an ERROR notification/message …and more of a START button. 😁
Make no mistake—it wasn’t an overnight success story. Nope. There weren’t thousands of people flocking to hire me from my first video or blog post. The process crawled at first & I DID talk into the void for a while, but honestly knowing no one was watching/reading at first did help me ease into it a little & find my footing before I began to attract a virtual crowd!
And eventually, it began to WORK. In the beginning, I was posting blogs every other week, had a strict social media marketing post schedule (that was WAY too much), and honestly, that’s all I could do in the early days. As I refined my process and found my zone(s) of genius, things started to actually work.
So, what I’m trying to say is—pick a method that you can stick with and just keep swimming (as Dori says, in Finding Nemo). Try, & keep trying; over time, you’ll get better at it. You don’t have to conquer YouTube tomorrow, start a podcast next week, or post 2x weekly this month, and you don’t need to post something every single day. It's about sticking with a method you're comfortable working into your routines & schedules, no matter how slowly you start. It’s just important that you START, then find your own rhythms.
Loving (or Liking) Your Marketing Method is KEY 🔑
Here’s an honest confession: I HATED marketing on social media. I just couldn’t learn to enjoy it, but I tried HARD for YEARS. I just never felt like the right fit for me. I’m a millennial, and I remember when Facebook ‘came out’ while I was in college, before ads, before our grandmas and giant corporations joined our feeds. I never looked at it like a marketing channel, until 2015 when I felt like “I should.”
When you loathe your marketing method(s) or platform(s), that animosity seeps through. People can feel those negative vibes, and you won’t give it 100% each time because YOU DON’T ENJOY the process of putting in the effort. So the end result? …
Shouting awkwardness & a lack of self-confidence to your audience.
Spoiler alert: It doesn’t convert.
You need to love the platforms you’re showing up on (or, at the very least, not hate or dislike). Don't just choose a strategy or go with the latest trendy shit because someone said it's hot right now. That’s a surefire way to drive yourself toward burnout. Skip it. You do you.
For me, blogging and YouTube? That’s my jam. I get to write & speak how I talk IRL, help and have authentic conversations with YOU. With blogging & YouTube I’m not as worried about algorithms or trying to post at peak engagement hours*,* worrying about which followers saw what post. …Hard pass. 🤨✋🏻
For someone else, YouTube and blogging might sound awful. And that’s totally fine! The trick is to tune in to what YOU feel comfortable with, and finding the kind of marketing where YOU will thrive & enjoy the process long enough to reap the rewards.
But what if…?
If the anxiety of “I’m not good at marketing” still lingers as you read this, hang tight & don’t give up. Marketing gets easier when you choose the right strategy for you. If you find a groove that feels like an extension of what you’re already good at, marketing won’t feel like a hurdle. You’ll stop coming up with excuses or gluing things together sloppily because, deep down, you won’t dread the process.
Choosing the method that works FOR YOU is crucial, ––but so is the mindset shift from selling to serving. That new mindset shift will help boost ya past those initial fears that keep you frozen, and get you out there in a way that feels GOOD.
So, if you’re tired of feeling like ‘marketing is just bro-tastic BS,’ just remember —it doesn’t have to be. If you reframe it as genuinely helping others, and find a method of outreach that feels more natural to YOU, I promise it becomes far more bearable, dare I say, even... fun? 😃
It may take a little time, but start where you DO feel comfortable, create a routine, and find your approach.
Oh, and definitely take that quiz from Paige Brunton to figure out your best-suited marketing option if you don’t know where to start.
You’ve got this. Now, shake off the ick-feelings and find a marketing style that makes sense for YOU.
For more thoughts on mindset-related stuff, check out the Related Posts below!