Let’s Chat!

  • Mondays - Fridays: 8a - 5p
    • Closed Weekends

    ℹ️ You can expect a response within 3-5 business days; serious inquiries only, please. I do not respond to spammy emails or unsolicited requests.

  • to info@launchthedamnthing.com

    ℹ️ You can expect a response within 3-5 business days; serious inquiries only, please. I do not respond to spammy emails or unsolicited requests.

  • Submit a support ticket. That student-only form is linked from your Student Dashboard (when logged in). Send an email if ya can’t find it.

  • Let’s be real; I know you wanna know before you make your decision. 😄 I would too! I don’t like wasting time (yours or mine), so I don’t hide my pricing away behind a form, a download, or a call. 😉

    Click the link below to jump over to my services page & skip right down to it and skim through the page’s details to learn more if ya want.

    🔗 See current rates here

Interested in working together?

Fill out the form below, or click the button to skip straight to it.

Hi, I’m Katelyn!

I’m currently designing from the greater New England (US) area. I’m happily designing for & teaching badass female entrepreneurs with small 1:1 service-based businesses –& of course, Wordpress haters world-wide! 😉

If you're interested in working together or have media inquiries, please fill out the form below!

Please note that I generally do not respond to unsolicited sales or promotional inquiries; I only promote tools I've actually enjoyed using myself.



  • Check out my Services page here! There are lots of great FAQs and other info on that page to answer your questions.

  • Sometimes, –but I’m very picky! Send your pitch to: info@launchthedamnthing.com.

    Fair warning: I get a lot of spammy backlink requests & guest post inquiry messages, so I tend to delete a lot of them because I’m picky about the content I share around here. If you want to grab my attention, treat me like a human being that actually wants to help people –and don’t use form letters. 😜

  • I generally don’t recommend services that I’ve never used myself. If I get a spammy, unsolicited request from you, especially those that feel like a form letter, where you claim you read “that” article but don’t mention it & it’s clear you just want me to link back to your thing… I will not reply. I may not even open the email before I trash it. #fairwarning

  • Not really. These days, I have enough on my calendar already that adding more to it feels scary.

    BUT, I do have monthly Q&A calls with my Club members & regular engagement in the membership there, so if you want the chance, that’s the best option!

    • I have very limited spots for retainer work (ongoing, monthly work, etc), so that may not be available, but you’re welcome to ask & see!

    • I also offer consulting & coaching in a group environment in the Club, which is my private group mentorship program for newer designers. You can learn more about the Club here.

  • You can apply to work with me or inquire about other opportunities via the form right above this section, or the Work Together button in the header navigation area at the top of any page. 😃

    (And yes, I’m purposefully not putting the form link here because I’ll never remember it’s in here if it ever changes. 😂)

  • Yes! I’ve written quite a few blog posts for new business owners & new web designers with great videos that share many of my processes & favorite tips.

  • I use Squarespace for my own website & it’s my platform of choice for my clients too! I actually don’t work on any other platform these days, though I have experience with Showit, Shopify, Webflow, Weebly (ick), and a tiny bit of WordPress & Wix too…

    To see all my other tools, take a peek at my Favorite Things list.