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    Business Tips, Design Tips, Productivity Tips Katelyn Dekle Business Tips, Design Tips, Productivity Tips Katelyn Dekle

    How to get easy design feedback on digital design proofs

    I’ve been designing for clients since 2006 and if there’s a single thing I understand 1,000%, it’s that sending proofs & getting feedback can be a challenge when our clients aren’t meeting with us in-person.

    And the pandemic hasn’t changed that. Prior to Covid19 & social distancing, there were plenty of people freelancing & working independently for clients all over the world, myself included.

    Even video calls weren’t as great as an in-person meeting, simply for the fact that they couldn’t literally point (with their finger) directly at something in the design & comment on it.

    Instead it went something like this…

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    Mindset Matters: dealing with your fears & excuses

    Excuses are the WORST. Many times we don’t even realize that’s what they are.

    We use them to defend ourselves.

    To play victim to our situations.

    To keep from having to take a risk.

    To keep from getting hurt, and many other reasons.

    To keep from playing big, so we won’t fail.

    But if you look back on those previous 5 sentences… what’s the common thread there?


    Are you using fear & excuses to stay stuck?

    How do we overcome our fears & how do we keep fear from ruining our lives, and our businesses?

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    Business Tips, Productivity Tips Katelyn Dekle Business Tips, Productivity Tips Katelyn Dekle

    Working remotely? 13 apps to help you stay productive

    All kinds of people are being forced to work from home now. Many of us LOVE this and are dreading going back to the grind once the pandemic slows & eventually things go back to normal.

    But I also know some people weren’t prepared for this, mentally or otherwise. And that can be scary!

    If you’re not a self-motivated person, or your an extreme extrovert, working from home will be hard for you.

    If you’re an introvert, like myself, and even if you’re organized, it can still be hard if you don’t know how to prioritize, communicate with your coworkers or keep your workload organized.

    After all, who wants a ton of phone calls, texts and emails throughout the day while you work?

    Not me! ✋🏻

    Following the previous post about how to stay productive when working from home, I’m sharing a list of 13 apps that should help ya stay on task and continue to be productive, even in a brand new work environment.

    Let’s dive in!

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    Katelyn, here!

    I’m the Founder, Owner, CEO, Designer & Educator at Launch the Damn Thing® and I love coffee, cursing & carefully laid plans. 😂 (Also reading, blaring loud music, and teaching, –but those didn’t fit into my nice alliteration!)

    Learn more over here!

    Did I just totally make your day? #goals