Squarespace Web Design & Business Tips
Images & Videos for Websites
File & format terminologies & size ranges, resource lists, and pre-sized blank Canva templates for various image ratios.
10 Common Mistakes New Web Designers Make, with Paige Brunton
Emotional Decision-Making: Scarcity vs. Abundance
How I Start Designing a Website & Handle First Draft Feedback
3 Mindset Shifts You Need as a New (Anxious) Web Designer
3 ways to edit a LIVE website
Mindset Matters: dealing with your fears & excuses
Excuses are the WORST. Many times we don’t even realize that’s what they are.
We use them to defend ourselves.
To play victim to our situations.
To keep from having to take a risk.
To keep from getting hurt, and many other reasons.
To keep from playing big, so we won’t fail.
But if you look back on those previous 5 sentences… what’s the common thread there?
Are you using fear & excuses to stay stuck?
How do we overcome our fears & how do we keep fear from ruining our lives, and our businesses?
Afraid to fail? Don’t let it stop you from getting started!
Today my advice is a little more personal. Today I want you to decide to stop letting your fear of failure get in the way of your success.
Look, I know. If you're reading this, you're probably thinking, "But I'm not afraid? I have real, legitimate struggles to overcome before I can do anything at all."
I wholeheartedly disagree, and here's why!
Katelyn, here!
I’m the Founder, Owner, CEO, Designer & Educator at Launch the Damn Thing® and I love coffee, cursing & carefully laid plans. 😂 (Also reading, blaring loud music, and teaching, –but those didn’t fit into my nice alliteration!)
Did I just totally make your day? #goals