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Media Bio + Ideal Client
Here's a short and long version of my bio to use for podcast intros, etc.
I love coffee, cursing & carefully made plans (J/K –mostly 😂) and I'm a Squarespace Web Designer & Educator thriving on teaching others how to finally 'launch the damn thing' –and have fun in the process!
I’m a laid-back, laugh-happy, sarcasm-using, coffee-drinking, pet-loving, bibliophile.
Fed up with building someone else’s dream in one toxic work environment after another, getting sh*t for pay and no benefits, I was tired of living check-to-check. After years of side hustling, I finally took the leap into running my business full-time mid-pandemic in 2020.
I’m the CEO, Squarespace Web Designer & Educator of Launch the Damn Thing® cranking out personality-driven designs for truly wonderful people and I absolutely LOVE it.
My passion is helping people find success in the online space, by sharing the tools and expertise I’ve gained since I started my side hustle in 2015.
I love working with bold, sassy & fun ladies with service-based businesses, typically at least a year old, that want a unique & personality-packed website.
I help you merge your true self with your professional self when you don't know how to represent both in the same space!
Popular Topics
Website Design & Strategy
Business Software:
Content & Email Marketing
vs social media
Working with clients
Social Links
I’m most active here:
Website: launchthedamnthing.com
YouTube: youtube.com/@launchthedamnthing
Instagram: instagram.com/launchthedamnthing
But I’m also (inactive) here:
Facebook: facebook.com/launchthedamnthing
LinkedIn Personal: linkedin.com/in/katelyndekle
LinkedIn Company: linkedin.com/company/launchthedamnthing
Pinterest: pinterest.com/launchthedamnthing
Twitter: twitter.com/launchdamnthing
Tik-Tok: tiktok.com/@launchthedamnthing
Fast Facts
Pronunciation: Kate-lynn Dee-cull
Location: Vermont
Grew up in: Florida & Georgia
Age: 37
College: University of Wyoming
1st design job: 2006
Started side hustle: 2015
Started full-time freelance: June 2020
Business Name: Launch the Damn Thing®!
Membership: LTDT Club
husband, Brian
no kids, on purpose
a talkative 80lb hound dog, Luna
a crazy AF orange tabby cat, Willow
I looove…
reading anything, from fiction & fantasy to business & nonfiction
I have 2 copies of most books: Kindle + Audible, but I’ll have a 3rd copy of my fav books, –a physical copy on my shelf!
learning & honing new skills
organizing, even if it’s tedious
finding more efficient ways to do things –to my detriment sometimes!
teaching & sharing what I learn along the way
fixing things & solving puzzles
(hot) coffee with unsweetened vanilla almond milk + sugar
(hot) chai tea with honey
Marvel & any epic fantasy fiction shows/movies (Rings of Power, Wheel of Time…)
Favorite TV shows to binge & re-watch…
Big Bang Theory
Gilmore Girls
Game of Thrones
The Office
Star Trek anything
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